
We understand cannabis law and the policies that inform it.

Acquiring the proper hemp or marijuana license is a complicated process involving tiers of not-always-aligned legislation and multiple spheres of jurisdiction. We will guide you through. From indoor agriculture to extraction labs to wholesale or retail sales, from zoning ordinances to building codes, from initial filings to the compliance paper trail, we have been there before. Our licensing team will work to understand the exact nature of your project, map all relevant licenses and permits, and streamline the applications process to get you growing.

Superior Cannabis Consultants has experience with "Wholesale facilities". Zoning requirements, facility requirements, local ordinances and regulation are the challenges one faces when you don't have an inside connection in the industry.  Superior will find find you the perfect property to start your new business or expand your existing.  We have years of experience negotiating deals on property suitable for indoor agriculture, marijuana retail, and marijuana wholesale facilities. Join the many Superior wholesale clients who have become operational in less than 6 months from concept to licensed functioning facility, while seeing maximum profit potential. 

Whether you’re pursuing a marijuana license for the first time or looking at buying an existing marijuana business, Superior has the knowledge to make sure your investment capital is spent in the correct areas on the right things, saving you time and money.